- Relationships Australia - Tasmania
- Future Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) demand potential in Tasmania by geographical location
- Council on the Ageing Tasmania
- Population projections by age cohort report
- Break O'Day Council
- Future Thinking: Demographic Change in Break O'Day - a report for the Break O'Day Council, Tasmania
- The Smith Family
- Feasibility Study into the delivering of the Learning for Life Program in the Huon Valley, Tasmania
- Tasmanian Minerals, Manufacturing and Energy Council
- Local Government Association of Tasmania
- Contract research and presentations: Planning for population change in Tasmania from a Local Government perspective
- Beacon Foundation
- Report: Career education, development and transition to employment : A review of policy positions and investment in Tasmania since 2010
- Report: The views of young Tasmanians: career development, support, preparedness and transitioning to the world of work
- Knowledge Society
- Break O'Day Council
- Report: Population Change in the Break O'Day LGA area between 2016 and 2021
- Primary Focus
- Primary School Matters: the Case for Change, a Positioning Paper
- Primary School Efficacy - the best lever we have to improve the nation's productivity, submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Australia's Productivity Performance
- Primary School Efficacy and Productivity - presentation
- Break O'Day Local Government Area - population profile and change, 2004 to 2034, report and presentation for the Break O'Day Council
- Delivering a new workforce plan, Tasmanian Seafood Industry Council
- Report: The Next Generation - The Tasmanian Seafood Industry Workforce
- Report: Seafood Industry Workforce and Training Profile
Research undertaken for the University of Tasmania between 2015 and 2019
- A comparative analysis of social mobility for Tasmania, research commissioned by the Vice Chancellor, 2015
- Brief: Potential new demand for post-school education opportunities, Transformation Project, 2016
- Brief: Projected latent demand, Transformation Project, 2017
- Brief: Employment projections, Transformation Project, 2017
- Report: An overview of the potential socio-economic impacts of the proposed relocation of the University of Tasmania Sandy Bay Campus to the Hobart CBD, 2018
- Report: An analysis of the potential impacts of the proposed relocation of the University of Tasmania Sandy Bay Campus to the Hobart CBD, 2019
Key academic research papers:
- ECONOMIC RESTRUCTURING AND THE POLARISATION OF THE WORKFORCE: A REGIONAL PERSPECTIVE, Australian Journal of Regional Studies. This paper won the John Dickinson Memorial Award for best paper in the journal in 2019.
- Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it’s off to work we go – the Fourth Industrial Revolution and thoughts on the future of work in Australia, Australian Journal of Labour Economics, 2019
From mid-2017 to mid-2020, Lisa was a Research Fellow with the Institute for Social Change at the University of Tasmania, see her research here
- Launceston Transport Strategy, subcontractor to Midson Traffic
- 2017 RTO Census for Skills Tasmania
- Regional Profiles: population, education, labour force, employment by industry and innovative activity at SA4 and LGA level, report for Skills Tasmania
- Member, Tourism and Hospitality Workforce Taskforce
- Northern Tasmania Transformation project; socio-economic profiling, education demand projections and employment demand projections, report for the University of Tasmania
- Socio-economic profiling, education demand, employment outcomes for STEM students, report for the University of Tasmania
- Westbury profile; population projections, household composition, travel to work patterns, report for Midson Traffic
- Shorewell Park: population projections, household composition and dwelling characteristics, report for GHD and Housing Choices Tasmania
- Glenorchy Transit Corridor: population projections, household composition, dwelling characteristics, travel to work patterns and employment status, report for GHD
- Identifying areas for growth in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector in Tasmania, report for Skills Tasmania
- Background Issues Paper: Tasmanian’s Population Challenge 650,000 by 2050, report for the Department of State Growth
- A comparative analysis of social mobility: Tasmania and Australia, report for the Vice-Chancellor, University of Tasmania
- Workforce Profiling Tool, developed with Skills Tasmania
- Tasmanian Population Strategy: Modelling to achieve 650,000 by 2050, report for the Department of State Growth
- A framework for developing a population strategy, report for the Department of Economic Development, Tourism and the Arts
- The Tasmanian Diaspora - who are they? A snapshot, report for the Tasmanian Diaspora Network
- A scan of population policies and strategies, report for the Department of Economic Development, Tourism and the Arts
- A case study of North West Tasmania: educational attainment and labour force participation, report for Skills Tasmania
- Tasmania’s population: scenario modelling, report for the Department of Economic Development, Tourism and the Arts
- Career Development Experience and Aspirations of UTAS academic staff, report for the University of Tasmania
- Report: Diversifying Tasmania's Economy - Analysis and Options, Commissioned by the Federal Department of Regional Australia, Regional Development & Local Government (Co-authored with West, J and Arundel, A and Adams, DW and Bowen Butchart, D and O'Brien, KR and Gatenby-Clark, SJ and Polkan, E and Smart, Richard and Torugsa, N)
- Evaluation of the Community of Practice for Workforce Planning and Workforce Development, report for Skill Tasmania
- Facilitator of the Skills Tasmania Community of Practice for Workforce Planning and Workforce Development
- A synthesis of Tasmania’s population, report for the Department of Economic Development, Tourism and the Arts
- Book Chapter: 'Using SPSS for Descriptive Statistical Analysis', in M Walter (ed.), Social Research Methods 3rd Edition, Oxford University Press, Melbourne (co-authored with Brendan Churchill).
- Workforce Census, report for Aged and Community Services Tasmania
- Occupational Skills Shortage Analysis – Tasmania, report for Skills Tasmania
- Feasibility Study for expansion of the TMN in Tasmania, report for the Tasmania Maritime Network
- Stage Two – Skilling Tasmania Policy Consultation, report for Skills Tasmania
- Facilitation of Corporate Hospitality Strategic Planning Day, Tasmanian Cricket Association
- ICT Industry Salary Scan, report for the Department of Economic Development and Tourism